embodied heart and soul medicine

movement, restorative yoga, ritual, healing

I am a trauma informed yoga, restorative yoga, Pilates and somatic movement teacher, healing arts practitioner and guide.

I offer individual and group sessions and retreats that weave together yoga, movement, rest, energy healing, nature connection, ceremony and ritual to support your entire being in remembering the inherent strength, wisdom and divine spark that is your birthright.

An embodied being with a regulated nervous system is a vessel for healing where spiritual experiences can occur. It’s here that we remember that our true nature is nature, eternal, divine and as bright as the sun.






“Wow! Wow! Wow! Tracey being Tracey attracts such a wonderfully kind, inclusive and diverse group of wonderful humans that my worries and nerves were quickly forgotten and I had THE BEST long weekend of my life.“


“Tracey hosts the most wonderful experience - it’s more than a ‘class’; she encourages you to believe in what your body can do and helps you stay present. I feel great after class - a true mind, body and soul experience that I cherish.”
